Grabbing and Converting Adobe Streaming Video Fragments

I was recently interviewed by Mustard TV for a feature on the Norwich Sound & Vision festival, in which I’ve been involved. The feature was broadcast on Freeview cable TV but I can’t pick up the channel where I live, so I wanted to grab a copy off the website instead. They deliver videos using Adobe’s adaptive streaming protocol, which results in videos being sent in many fragments, of potentially different bitrates.

Here’s a little guide of what I had to do to save, join, and then convert the fragments into a single .MP4 video file.


1.) First, I went to the page in which the video was embedded and played the video the whole way through.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  Since Adobe’s streaming media server chunks videos into many different fragments, you need to watch the entire video the whole way through to make sure all the fragments are requested and downloaded.


2.) Once the video has ended, I used the media tab of the FlashGot FireFox extension to save all the video fragments to a local folder.



IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the nature of adaptive bitrate streaming, you’ll see that the resolution of some of the fragments above varies depending on what my internet speed was like at the time. (Fragments 4 and 5 are only 600×640 resolution rather than 1200×1080 – I must’ve had some sort of spike at that point). To join a single video, you’ll want to ensure that you end up with a complete set of fragments at the same resolution. For fragments 4 and 5 above, I simply replayed that part of the video and it re-requested the file at a better resolution – you could also probably copy the URL template and specify the resolution of the fragment you want.


3.) To join the fragments together, I then used a PHP script which I found here. I’m reproducing it below for convenience.

To use the script, start a new command prompt and call it as follows, with the full filename omitting the fragment number:

php AdobeHDS.php --fragments The_Music_Mash_Mustard_TV_video_1200_1080Seg1_Frag





              $paramSwitch = false;
              for ($i = 1; $i error("[param] expected after '$paramSwitch' switch (" . self::$ACCEPTED[1][$paramSwitch] . ')');
                  else if (!$paramSwitch and !$isSwitch)
                      if ($handleUnknown)
                          $this->params['unknown'][] = $arg;
                          $this->error("'$arg' is an invalid option, use --help to display valid switches.");
                  else if (!$paramSwitch and $isSwitch)
                      if (isset($this->params[$arg]))
                          $this->error("'$arg' switch can't occur more than once");

                      $this->params[$arg] = true;
                      if (isset(self::$ACCEPTED[1][$arg]))
                          $paramSwitch = $arg;
                      else if (!isset(self::$ACCEPTED[0][$arg]))
                          $this->error("there's no '$arg' switch, use --help to display all switches.");
                  else if ($paramSwitch and !$isSwitch)
                      $this->params[$paramSwitch] = $arg;
                      $paramSwitch                = false;

          // Final check
          foreach ($this->params as $k => $v)
              if (isset(self::$ACCEPTED[1][$k]) and $v === true)
                  $this->error("[param] expected after '$k' switch (" . self::$ACCEPTED[1][$k] . ')');

      function displayHelp()
          LogInfo("You can use script with following switches:\n");
          foreach (self::$ACCEPTED[0] as $key => $value)
              LogInfo(sprintf(" --%-17s %s", $key, $value));
          foreach (self::$ACCEPTED[1] as $key => $value)
              LogInfo(sprintf(" --%-9s%-8s %s", $key, " [param]", $value));

      function error($msg)

      function getParam($name)
          if (isset($this->params[$name]))
              return $this->params[$name];
              return false;

  class cURL
      var $headers, $user_agent, $compression, $cookie_file;
      var $active, $cert_check, $fragProxy, $maxSpeed, $proxy, $response;
      var $mh, $ch, $mrc;
      static $ref = 0;

      function cURL($cookies = true, $cookie = 'Cookies.txt', $compression = 'gzip', $proxy = '')
          $this->headers     = $this->headers();
          $this->user_agent  = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0';
          $this->compression = $compression;
          $this->cookies     = $cookies;
          if ($this->cookies == true)
          $this->cert_check = false;
          $this->fragProxy  = false;
          $this->maxSpeed   = 0;
          $this->proxy      = $proxy;

      function __destruct()
          if ((self::$ref cookie_file))

      function headers()
          $headers[] = 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8';
          $headers[] = 'Connection: Keep-Alive';
          return $headers;

      function cookie($cookie_file)
          if (file_exists($cookie_file))
              $this->cookie_file = $cookie_file;
              $file = fopen($cookie_file, 'w') or $this->error('The cookie file could not be opened. Make sure this directory has the correct permissions.');
              $this->cookie_file = $cookie_file;

      function get($url)
          $process = curl_init($url);
          $options = array(
              CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $this->headers,
              CURLOPT_HEADER => 0,
              CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->user_agent,
              CURLOPT_ENCODING => $this->compression,
              CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30,
              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1,
          curl_setopt_array($process, $options);
          if (!$this->cert_check)
              curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
          if ($this->cookies == true)
              curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookie_file);
              curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookie_file);
          if ($this->proxy)
              $this->setProxy($process, $this->proxy);
          $this->response = curl_exec($process);
          if ($this->response !== false)
              $status = curl_getinfo($process, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
          if (isset($status))
              return $status;
              return false;

      function post($url, $data)
          $process   = curl_init($url);
          $headers   = $this->headers;
          $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8';
          $options   = array(
              CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers,
              CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
              CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->user_agent,
              CURLOPT_ENCODING => $this->compression,
              CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30,
              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1,
              CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => 1,
              CURLOPT_POST => 1,
              CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data
          curl_setopt_array($process, $options);
          if (!$this->cert_check)
              curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
          if ($this->cookies == true)
              curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookie_file);
              curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookie_file);
          if ($this->proxy)
              $this->setProxy($process, $this->proxy);
          $return = curl_exec($process);
          return $return;

      function setProxy(&$process, $proxy)
          $type      = "";
          $separator = strpos($proxy, "://");
          if ($separator !== false)
              $type  = strtolower(substr($proxy, 0, $separator));
              $proxy = substr($proxy, $separator + 3);
          switch ($type)
              case "socks4":
                  $type = CURLPROXY_SOCKS4;
              case "socks5":
                  $type = CURLPROXY_SOCKS5;
                  $type = CURLPROXY_HTTP;
          curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
          curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, $type);

      function addDownload($url, $id)
          if (!isset($this->mh))
              $this->mh = curl_multi_init();
          if (isset($this->ch[$id]))
              return false;
          $download =& $this->ch[$id];
          $download['id']  = $id;
          $download['url'] = $url;
          $download['ch']  = curl_init($url);
          $options         = array(
              CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $this->headers,
              CURLOPT_HEADER => 0,
              CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->user_agent,
              CURLOPT_ENCODING => $this->compression,
              CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT => 1024,
              CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME => 10,
              CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER => 1,
              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1,
          curl_setopt_array($download['ch'], $options);
          if (!$this->cert_check)
              curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
          if ($this->cookies == true)
              curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookie_file);
              curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookie_file);
          if ($this->fragProxy and $this->proxy)
              $this->setProxy($download['ch'], $this->proxy);
          if ($this->maxSpeed > 0)
              curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE, $this->maxSpeed);
          curl_multi_add_handle($this->mh, $download['ch']);
              $this->mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->mh, $this->active);
            } while ($this->mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);
          return true;

      function checkDownloads()
          if (isset($this->mh))
              $this->mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->mh, $this->active);
              if ($this->mrc != CURLM_OK)
                  return false;
              while ($info = curl_multi_info_read($this->mh))
                  foreach ($this->ch as $download)
                      if ($download['ch'] == $info['handle'])
                  $array['id']  = $download['id'];
                  $array['url'] = $download['url'];
                  $info         = curl_getinfo($download['ch']);
                  if ($info['http_code'] == 0)
                      /* if curl fails due to network connectivity issues or some other reason it's *
                       * better to add some delay before next try to avoid busy loop.               */
                      LogDebug("Fragment " . $download['id'] . ": " . curl_error($download['ch']));
                      $array['status']   = false;
                      $array['response'] = "";
                  else if ($info['http_code'] == 200)
                      if ($info['size_download'] >= $info['download_content_length'])
                          $array['status']   = $info['http_code'];
                          $array['response'] = curl_multi_getcontent($download['ch']);
                          $array['status']   = false;
                          $array['response'] = "";
                      $array['status']   = $info['http_code'];
                      $array['response'] = curl_multi_getcontent($download['ch']);
                  $downloads[] = $array;
                  curl_multi_remove_handle($this->mh, $download['ch']);
              if (isset($downloads) and (count($downloads) > 0))
                  return $downloads;
          return false;

      function stopDownloads()
          if (isset($this->mh))
              if (isset($this->ch))
                  foreach ($this->ch as $download)
                      curl_multi_remove_handle($this->mh, $download['ch']);

      function error($error)
          LogError("cURL Error : $error");

  class F4F
      var $audio, $auth, $baseFilename, $baseTS, $bootstrapUrl, $baseUrl, $debug, $duration, $fileCount, $filesize, $fixWindow;
      var $format, $live, $media, $metadata, $outDir, $outFile, $parallel, $play, $processed, $quality, $rename, $video;
      var $prevTagSize, $tagHeaderLen;
      var $segTable, $fragTable, $segNum, $fragNum, $frags, $fragCount, $lastFrag, $fragUrl, $discontinuity;
      var $prevAudioTS, $prevVideoTS, $pAudioTagLen, $pVideoTagLen, $pAudioTagPos, $pVideoTagPos;
      var $prevAVC_Header, $prevAAC_Header, $AVC_HeaderWritten, $AAC_HeaderWritten;

      function __construct()
          $this->auth          = "";
          $this->baseFilename  = "";
          $this->bootstrapUrl  = "";
          $this->debug         = false;
          $this->duration      = 0;
          $this->fileCount     = 1;
          $this->fixWindow     = 1000;
          $this->format        = "";
          $this->live          = false;
          $this->metadata      = true;
          $this->outDir        = "";
          $this->outFile       = "";
          $this->parallel      = 8;
          $this->play          = false;
          $this->processed     = false;
          $this->quality       = "high";
          $this->rename        = false;
          $this->segTable      = array();
          $this->fragTable     = array();
          $this->segStart      = false;
          $this->fragStart     = false;
          $this->frags         = array();
          $this->fragCount     = 0;
          $this->lastFrag      = 0;
          $this->discontinuity = "";

      function InitDecoder()
          $this->audio             = false;
          $this->filesize          = 0;
          $this->video             = false;
          $this->prevTagSize       = 4;
          $this->tagHeaderLen      = 11;
          $this->baseTS            = INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
          $this->negTS             = INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
          $this->prevAudioTS       = INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
          $this->prevVideoTS       = INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
          $this->pAudioTagLen      = 0;
          $this->pVideoTagLen      = 0;
          $this->pAudioTagPos      = 0;
          $this->pVideoTagPos      = 0;
          $this->prevAVC_Header    = false;
          $this->prevAAC_Header    = false;
          $this->AVC_HeaderWritten = false;
          $this->AAC_HeaderWritten = false;

      function GetManifest($cc, $manifest)
          $status = $cc->get($manifest);
          if ($status == 403)
              LogError("Access Denied! Unable to download the manifest.");
          else if ($status != 200)
              LogError("Unable to download the manifest");
          $xml = simplexml_load_string(trim($cc->response));
          if (!$xml)
              LogError("Failed to load xml");
          $namespace = $xml->getDocNamespaces();
          $namespace = $namespace[''];
          $xml->registerXPathNamespace("ns", $namespace);
          return $xml;

      function ParseManifest($cc, $parentManifest)
          LogInfo("Processing manifest info....");
          $xml = $this->GetManifest($cc, $parentManifest);

          // Extract baseUrl from manifest url
          $baseUrl = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:baseURL");
          if (isset($baseUrl[0]))
              $baseUrl = GetString($baseUrl[0]);
              $baseUrl = $parentManifest;
              if (strpos($baseUrl, '?') !== false)
                  $baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, strpos($baseUrl, '?'));
              $baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, strrpos($baseUrl, '/'));

          $url = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:media[@*]");
          if (isset($url[0]['href']))
              $count = 1;
              foreach ($url as $childManifest)
                  if (isset($childManifest['bitrate']))
                      $bitrate = floor(GetString($childManifest['bitrate']));
                      $bitrate = $count++;
                  $entry =& $childManifests[$bitrate];
                  $entry['bitrate'] = $bitrate;
                  $entry['url']     = AbsoluteUrl($baseUrl, GetString($childManifest['href']));
                  $entry['xml']     = $this->GetManifest($cc, $entry['url']);
              unset($entry, $childManifest);
              $childManifests[0]['bitrate'] = 0;
              $childManifests[0]['url']     = $parentManifest;
              $childManifests[0]['xml']     = $xml;

          $count = 1;
          foreach ($childManifests as $childManifest)
              $xml = $childManifest['xml'];

              // Extract baseUrl from manifest url
              $baseUrl = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:baseURL");
              if (isset($baseUrl[0]))
                  $baseUrl = GetString($baseUrl[0]);
                  $baseUrl = $childManifest['url'];
                  if (strpos($baseUrl, '?') !== false)
                      $baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, strpos($baseUrl, '?'));
                  $baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, strrpos($baseUrl, '/'));

              $streams = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:media");
              foreach ($streams as $stream)
                  $array = array();
                  foreach ($stream->attributes() as $k => $v)
                      $array[strtolower($k)] = GetString($v);
                  $array['metadata'] = GetString($stream->{'metadata'});
                  $stream            = $array;

                  if (isset($stream['bitrate']))
                      $bitrate = floor($stream['bitrate']);
                  else if ($childManifest['bitrate'] > 0)
                      $bitrate = $childManifest['bitrate'];
                      $bitrate = $count++;
                  while (isset($this->media[$bitrate]))
                  $streamId = isset($stream[strtolower('streamId')]) ? $stream[strtolower('streamId')] : "";
                  $mediaEntry =& $this->media[$bitrate];

                  $mediaEntry['baseUrl'] = $baseUrl;
                  $mediaEntry['url']     = $stream['url'];
                  if (isRtmpUrl($mediaEntry['baseUrl']) or isRtmpUrl($mediaEntry['url']))
                      LogError("Provided manifest is not a valid HDS manifest");

                  // Use embedded auth information when available
                  $idx = strpos($mediaEntry['url'], '?');
                  if ($idx !== false)
                      $mediaEntry['queryString'] = substr($mediaEntry['url'], $idx);
                      $mediaEntry['url']         = substr($mediaEntry['url'], 0, $idx);
                      if (strlen($this->auth) != 0 and strcmp($this->auth, $mediaEntry['queryString']) != 0)
                          LogDebug("Manifest overrides 'auth': " . $mediaEntry['queryString']);
                      $mediaEntry['queryString'] = $this->auth;

                  if (isset($stream[strtolower('bootstrapInfoId')]))
                      $bootstrap = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:bootstrapInfo[@id='" . $stream[strtolower('bootstrapInfoId')] . "']");
                      $bootstrap = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:bootstrapInfo");
                  if (isset($bootstrap[0]['url']))
                      $mediaEntry['bootstrapUrl'] = AbsoluteUrl($mediaEntry['baseUrl'], GetString($bootstrap[0]['url']));
                      if (strpos($mediaEntry['bootstrapUrl'], '?') === false)
                          $mediaEntry['bootstrapUrl'] .= $this->auth;
                      $mediaEntry['bootstrap'] = base64_decode(GetString($bootstrap[0]));
                  if (isset($stream['metadata']))
                      $mediaEntry['metadata'] = base64_decode($stream['metadata']);
                      $mediaEntry['metadata'] = "";
              unset($mediaEntry, $childManifest);

          // Available qualities
          $bitrates = array();
          if (!count($this->media))
              LogError("No media entry found");
          krsort($this->media, SORT_NUMERIC);
          LogDebug("Manifest Entries:\n");
          LogDebug(sprintf(" %-8s%s", "Bitrate", "URL"));
          for ($i = 0; $i media); $i++)
              $key        = KeyName($this->media, $i);
              $bitrates[] = $key;
              LogDebug(sprintf(" %-8d%s", $key, $this->media[$key]['url']));
          LogInfo("Quality Selection:\n Available: " . implode(' ', $bitrates));

          // Quality selection
          if (is_numeric($this->quality) and isset($this->media[$this->quality]))
              $key         = $this->quality;
              $this->media = $this->media[$key];
              $this->quality = strtolower($this->quality);
              switch ($this->quality)
                  case "low":
                      $this->quality = 2;
                  case "medium":
                      $this->quality = 1;
                      $this->quality = 0;
              while ($this->quality >= 0)
                  $key = KeyName($this->media, $this->quality);
                  if ($key !== NULL)
                      $this->media = $this->media[$key];
                      $this->quality -= 1;
          LogInfo(" Selected : " . $key);

          // Parse initial bootstrap info
          $this->baseUrl = $this->media['baseUrl'];
          if (isset($this->media['bootstrapUrl']))
              $this->bootstrapUrl = $this->media['bootstrapUrl'];
              $this->UpdateBootstrapInfo($cc, $this->bootstrapUrl);
              $bootstrapInfo = $this->media['bootstrap'];
              ReadBoxHeader($bootstrapInfo, $pos, $boxType, $boxSize);
              if ($boxType == "abst")
                  $this->ParseBootstrapBox($bootstrapInfo, $pos);
                  LogError("Failed to parse bootstrap info");

      function UpdateBootstrapInfo($cc, $bootstrapUrl)
          $fragNum = $this->fragCount;
          $retries = 0;

          // Backup original headers and add no-cache directive for fresh bootstrap info
          $headers       = $cc->headers;
          $cc->headers[] = "Cache-Control: no-cache";
          $cc->headers[] = "Pragma: no-cache";

          while (($fragNum == $this->fragCount) and ($retries fragCount);
              $status = $cc->get($bootstrapUrl);
              if ($status != 200)
                  LogError("Failed to refresh bootstrap info, Status: " . $status);
              $bootstrapInfo = $cc->response;
              ReadBoxHeader($bootstrapInfo, $bootstrapPos, $boxType, $boxSize);
              if ($boxType == "abst")
                  $this->ParseBootstrapBox($bootstrapInfo, $bootstrapPos);
                  LogError("Failed to parse bootstrap info");
              LogDebug("Update complete, Available fragments: " . $this->fragCount);
              if ($fragNum == $this->fragCount)
                  LogInfo("Updating bootstrap info, Retries: " . ++$retries, true);

          // Restore original headers
          $cc->headers = $headers;

      function ParseBootstrapBox($bootstrapInfo, $pos)
          $version          = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos);
          $flags            = ReadInt24($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 1);
          $bootstrapVersion = ReadInt32($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 4);
          $byte             = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 8);
          $profile          = ($byte & 0xC0) >> 6;
          if (($byte & 0x20) >> 5)
              $this->live     = true;
              $this->metadata = false;
          $update = ($byte & 0x10) >> 4;
          if (!$update)
              $this->segTable  = array();
              $this->fragTable = array();
          $timescale           = ReadInt32($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 9);
          $currentMediaTime    = ReadInt64($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 13);
          $smpteTimeCodeOffset = ReadInt64($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 21);
          $pos += 29;
          $movieIdentifier  = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos);
          $serverEntryCount = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos++);
          for ($i = 0; $i < $serverEntryCount; $i++)
              $serverEntryTable[$i] = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos);
          $qualityEntryCount = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos++);
          for ($i = 0; $i < $qualityEntryCount; $i++)
              $qualityEntryTable[$i] = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos);
          $drmData          = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos);
          $metadata         = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos);
          $segRunTableCount = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos++);
          LogDebug(sprintf("%s:", "Segment Tables"));
          for ($i = 0; $i ParseAsrtBox($bootstrapInfo, $pos);
              $pos += $boxSize;
          $fragRunTableCount = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos++);
          LogDebug(sprintf("%s:", "Fragment Tables"));
          for ($i = 0; $i ParseAfrtBox($bootstrapInfo, $pos);
              $pos += $boxSize;
          $this->segTable  = array_replace($this->segTable, $segTable[0]);
          $this->fragTable = array_replace($this->fragTable, $fragTable[0]);

      function ParseAsrtBox($asrt, $pos)
          $segTable          = array();
          $version           = ReadByte($asrt, $pos);
          $flags             = ReadInt24($asrt, $pos + 1);
          $qualityEntryCount = ReadByte($asrt, $pos + 4);
          $pos += 5;
          for ($i = 0; $i < $qualityEntryCount; $i++)
              $qualitySegmentUrlModifiers[$i] = ReadString($asrt, $pos);
          $segCount = ReadInt32($asrt, $pos);
          $pos += 4;
          LogDebug(sprintf(" %-8s%-10s", "Number", "Fragments"));
          for ($i = 0; $i < $segCount; $i++)
              $firstSegment = ReadInt32($asrt, $pos);
              $segEntry =& $segTable[$firstSegment];
              $segEntry['firstSegment']        = $firstSegment;
              $segEntry['fragmentsPerSegment'] = ReadInt32($asrt, $pos + 4);
              if ($segEntry['fragmentsPerSegment'] & 0x80000000)
                  $segEntry['fragmentsPerSegment'] = 0;
              $pos += 8;
          foreach ($segTable as $segEntry)
              LogDebug(sprintf(" %-8s%-10s", $segEntry['firstSegment'], $segEntry['fragmentsPerSegment']));
          return $segTable;

      function ParseAfrtBox($afrt, $pos)
          $fragTable         = array();
          $version           = ReadByte($afrt, $pos);
          $flags             = ReadInt24($afrt, $pos + 1);
          $timescale         = ReadInt32($afrt, $pos + 4);
          $qualityEntryCount = ReadByte($afrt, $pos + 8);
          $pos += 9;
          for ($i = 0; $i < $qualityEntryCount; $i++)
              $qualitySegmentUrlModifiers[$i] = ReadString($afrt, $pos);
          $fragEntries = ReadInt32($afrt, $pos);
          $pos += 4;
          LogDebug(sprintf(" %-12s%-16s%-16s%-16s", "Number", "Timestamp", "Duration", "Discontinuity"));
          for ($i = 0; $i segTable);
          $lastSegment   = end($this->segTable);
          $firstFragment = reset($this->fragTable);
          $lastFragment  = end($this->fragTable);

          // Check if live stream is still live
          if (($lastFragment['fragmentDuration'] == 0) and ($lastFragment['discontinuityIndicator'] == 0))
              $this->live = false;
              $lastFragment = end($this->fragTable);

          // Count total fragments by adding all entries in compactly coded segment table
          $invalidFragCount = false;
          $prev             = reset($this->segTable);
          $this->fragCount  = $prev['fragmentsPerSegment'];
          while ($current = next($this->segTable))
              $this->fragCount += ($current['firstSegment'] - $prev['firstSegment'] - 1) * $prev['fragmentsPerSegment'];
              $this->fragCount += $current['fragmentsPerSegment'];
              $prev = $current;
          if (!($this->fragCount & 0x80000000))
              $this->fragCount += $firstFragment['firstFragment'] - 1;
          if ($this->fragCount & 0x80000000)
              $this->fragCount  = 0;
              $invalidFragCount = true;
          if ($this->fragCount fragCount = $lastFragment['firstFragment




4.) You should now have a single .FLV video file with all the fragments joined together. If you use a media player that can play FLV video, such as VLC you can stop here. However, if you want to make the video a slightly more standard .MP4 format, you can convert it using FFMPEG, like this:

ffmpeg -i The_Music_Mash_Mustard_TV_video_1200_1080Seg1_Frag.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mp4
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